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March 13th & 14th 2025 / Planetarium of Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland


Each one of us perceives reality in a unique way. The word ‘qualia’ refers to your internal, subjective experiences of reality. Any experience you are having right now is qualia.

A meta-film experience designed for planetariums, QUALIA takes you on a journey through the 5 Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space – as a pathway into grounding, connecting, envisioning, harmonizing, and integrating. You are the creator of your own experience, conceiving realities only you can perceive.

Let the music and the visuals inspire you, and enjoy it...​​​


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March 2nd, 2025 / Planetarium of Fiske, Boulder


Each one of us perceives reality in a unique way. The word ‘qualia’ refers to your internal, subjective experiences of reality. Any experience you are having right now is qualia.

A meta-film experience designed for planetariums, QUALIA takes you on a journey through the 5 Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space – as a pathway into grounding, connecting, envisioning, harmonizing, and integrating. You are the creator of your own experience, conceiving realities only you can perceive.

Let the music and the visuals inspire you, and enjoy it...​​​


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February 21st, 2025 / Planetarium of Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland


Each one of us perceives reality in a unique way. The word ‘qualia’ refers to your internal, subjective experiences of reality. Any experience you are having right now is qualia.

A meta-film experience designed for planetariums, QUALIA takes you on a journey through the 5 Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space – as a pathway into grounding, connecting, envisioning, harmonizing, and integrating. You are the creator of your own experience, conceiving realities only you can perceive.

Let the music and the visuals inspire you, and enjoy it...​​​


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December 22nd - 28th - 29th, 2024 / Chabot Space & Science Center, California


Each one of us perceives reality in a unique way. The word ‘qualia’ refers to your internal, subjective experiences of reality. Any experience you are having right now is qualia.

A meta-film experience designed for planetariums, QUALIA takes you on a journey through the 5 Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space – as a pathway into grounding, connecting, envisioning, harmonizing, and integrating. You are the creator of your own experience, conceiving realities only you can perceive.

Let the music and the visuals inspire you, and enjoy it...​​​


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December 21st 2024 / California Academy of Sciences, SF


Each one of us perceives reality in a unique way. The word ‘qualia’ refers to your internal, subjective experiences of reality. Any experience you are having right now is qualia.

A meta-film experience designed for planetariums, QUALIA takes you on a journey through the 5 Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space – as a pathway into grounding, connecting, envisioning, harmonizing, and integrating. You are the creator of your own experience, conceiving realities only you can perceive.

Let the music and the visuals inspire you, and enjoy it...​​​


Sunday, December 17th at 12pm PT, via Zoom

MetaMusic Journeys ~ Preparing for the Winter Solstice

Immersive and transformative experiences through sound journeys, body awareness, and wisdom practices.

Start to inquiry and clarify your intention for the new cycle to come, so that on December 21st, wherever your feet are touching the ground, you will be prepared to use that portal of infinite possibilities to envision and manifest what you need along your path.


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Sunday November 26 at 12pm PT, via Zoom

MetaMusic Journeys ~ Immersive sound experiences for Inner Voyagers

Immersive and transformative experiences through sound journeys, body awareness, and wisdom practices.


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November 9-10 ~ Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC 

Intentional Spaces Summit

The International Arts + Mind Lab at Johns Hopkins University is collaborating with the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture to bring together researchers, architects, and designers to develop a shared framework to amplify the impact of design on health and wellbeing.


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October 30 ~ SF Jazz 

Wisdom 2.0 & AI Summit

The Wisdom & AI Summit brings together experts in Artificial Intelligence with leaders in social change and wisdom to explore how these two worlds can co-exist.


October 21-22 ~ UCSF Mission Bay 

Chambers of AWE at the BrainMind Summit

BrainMind is a private community of top brain scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, and academic institutions collaborating to accelerate impactful innovation in brain science. 


July 10-14 ~ Free Online Summit by 

Sound Healing Summit by Shift Network

Immerse yourself in vibrational therapy sessions that include engaging conversations, daily sound baths, and powerful emerging sonic practices. Gain wisdom and inspiration from our extensive lineup of musicians, scientists, researchers, and masters in the sound-healing arts.


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Tuesday, June 20th at 2:30pm ~ Denver Center for the Performing Arts

Music, Sound, and the Art of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Join the Center for Natural Intelligence (CNI Studios) and the American Psychedelics Practitioners Association (APPA) for an exploration of Music, Sound, and Session Choreography in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy (PAT).


June 14-19, 2023 ~ Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, Colorado

Sacred Sound Healing Retreat

A 5-day in person event featuring Sound-Healing Practitioners, Teachers, and musical performers from around the world!


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Sunday April 2nd at 11am PT, via Zoom

MetaMusic Journeys ~ immersive sound experiences for inner voyagers

Immersive and transformative experiences through sound journeys, body awareness, and wisdom practices.


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Sunday March 12th at 9am PT, via Zoom ~ World Hope Forum

Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us

A special World Hope Forum curated by Susan Magsamen & Ivy Ross, WHF Ambassadors for the Arts


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Wednesday December 21st at 7:30pm PT / Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland Hills

Chambers of AWE ~ Winter Solstice Celebration

Combining the power of sound, wisdom traditions, and cutting edge technology

to catalyze inner transformations and awe-inducing experiences.


Sunday October 2nd at 12pm PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

MetaMusic Journeys ~ Shifting Dissonance Into Resonance

Immersive and transformative experiences through music, body awareness, and wisdom practices.


June 27th - July 1st - Online

Sound Healing Summit

Brought to us by Shift Network, this Free Summit brings together leading masters, scientists, practitioners, trainers, and performers to aid in collective repair and harmonization - including John Stuart Reid, Eileen McKusick, Haji Basim, and Richard Rudis.

You’ll discover the latest in sound-healing tools and practices — backed by science as well as ancient traditions — you can use for self-stabilization, personal growth, and spiritual medicine.


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Sunday June 19th at 12pm Pacific Time, via Zoom

In preparation for the Summer Solstice

Let's discover together ways to tune to and use the energy of the Summer Solstice for our personal practices and wellbeing


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Friday May 20th at 7pm PT, Chochmat HaLev, 2215 Prince Street -  Berkeley

"The Ginzburg Geography" CD Release & Listening Party

"Tzadik is deeply honored to present this historic and heartfelt final project by the endlessly creative force that was Jewlia Eisenberg." – John Zorn


Sunday April 24th at 11am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

Inner Resonant Explorations ~ Shifting Dissonance into Resonance

Immersive and transformative journeys through music, body awareness, energetic practices, and intentional prayers.

Online Immersive & Transformative Experiences with Laura Inserra


April 28th to May 1st ~ Online 

Being with what is ~ Summit

Awaken self love and access a sense of belonging through embodied awareness practices. My dear friend and mindfulness teacher Luiza Leite is hosting the free “Being with what is” summit where she will be exploring mindfulness, embodiment, self love and creativity with over 10 artists, healers, teachers and visionaries, including me! My interview will be opening the Summit on April 28th at 9am PDT. Join us... it's free...

April 7th and 8th ~ Mountain View, California

Wisdom 2.0 ~ Conference

Join us for the premier conference exploring living ancient wisdom in modern times, Wisdom 2.0 2022 April 7 - 8th in Silicon Valley.


Sunday April 3rd at 11am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

Inner Resonant Explorations in support of our Global Community

Immersive and transformative journeys through music, body awareness, energetic practices, and intentional prayers.

Online Immersive & Transformative Experiences with Laura Inserra


Sunday March 27th at 11am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

Inner Resonant Explorations in support of our Global Community

Immersive and transformative journeys through music, body awareness, energetic practices, and intentional prayers.

Online Immersive & Transformative Experiences with Laura Inserra


Wednesday March 20th at 11am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

Inner Resonant Explorations in support of our Global Community

Immersive and transformative journeys through music, body awareness, energetic practices, and intentional prayers.

Online Immersive & Transformative Experiences with Laura Inserra


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4 Sessions on Thursdays March 3 - 24 / 10am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

MetaMusic TrainingThe expansion and integration of the Foundation Course

Online Interactive Sessions with Laura Inserra


Thursdays March 3rd at 11am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

Inner Resonant Explorations in support of our Global Community

Immersive and transformative journeys through music, body awareness, energetic practices, and intentional prayers.

Online Immersive & Transformative Experiences with Laura Inserra


Wednesday March 9th at 11am PT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter

Inner Resonant Explorations in support of our Global Community

Immersive and transformative journeys through music, body awareness, energetic practices, and intentional prayers.

Online Immersive & Transformative Experiences with Laura Inserra


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 4 incontri i Mercoledì di Febbraio 2, 9, 16, 23, alle 19:00
MetaMusica Corso Base ~ Diventa un Alchimista del Suono

Dal vivo su Zoom con Laura Inserra


Impara ad usare il suono e la musica come strumenti per lo sviluppo personale, la guida interiore e la guarigione olistica. MetaMusica e’ raccomandato a chi vuole introdurre un ambiente sonoro nella sua pratica personale e professionale.

Continua a leggere...

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Domenica 5 Dicembre ore 19:00-21:00 (ore italiane)
MetaMusica Seminario Introduttivo ~ Diventa un Alchimista del Suono

Dal vivo su Zoom con Laura Inserra


Impara ad usare il suono e la musica come strumenti per lo sviluppo personale, la guida interiore e la guarigione olistica. MetaMusica e’ raccomandato a chi vuole introdurre un ambiente sonoro nella sua pratica personale e professionale.

Ammissione gratuita su

Continua a leggere...

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Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 / 11am - 2pm Pacific Time
4-Saturday Online Interactive Sessions with Laura Inserra
MetaMusic Part 2: Training ~ Become A Sound Alchemist​
Learn to use sound and music as tools for personal development, spiritual guidance, and holistic healing.

MetaMusic Training is the continuation and integration of the required Foundation Course. You can read about the program and its topics here.

The structure of the Training is based on 3 main pillars: 

  1. Learning (Source) - we will deepen the topics of the foundation Course while learning new perspectives and dynamics.

  2. Analyzing (Self) - we will watch and analyze practicing MetaMusic Journeys through guided listening and felt recognition.

  3. Practicing (Self-Other) - we will practice together experiential sound journeys, sacred ceremonies, guided meditations, shamanic journeys, self-care practices, and a variety of healing modalities.

Register at

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Sep 30 - Oct 3 / 9am - 12:30pm Pacific Time


Discovering the Wisdom of Trauma

A 4-day Online Retreat with Gabor Maté, Betsy Polatin, and Laura Inserra

Trauma shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is at the root of our deepest wounds. Virtually all our afflictions, mental illnesses, physical diseases stem from trauma. Trauma distorts our view of reality and leaves us stuck in contraction, defense and reactivity. It compromises our capacity to be in the moment, to be present to our relationships and to fully take in the environment.   
The wisdom in the trauma comes through when we realize that our traumatic responses and imprints are not us, that we can follow all traumatic responses back to their source, work through them, let them dissipate and thus reconnect to the unblemished, ecstatic consciousness that we were born with. Read more...

Official Website

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July 23rd 11am Pacific Time


MetaMusic Journeys ~ Immersive Sound Experience for Inner Voyagers

Creating resonant fields from which deep transformation and inner guidance arise.

MetaMusic is the development of Laura Inserra’s work around the universal, transformative, and healing power of sound. Meta means beyond, transcendent. In this context music becomes experiential - a tool for self-inquiry, inner guidance, and deep transformation.


Join us and take this great opportunity to harvest the fruit and the teachings you have cultivated at this moment in time. We will embark together on a ‘metamusic’ journey - an experiential sound journey where music becomes a tool to connect with and be guided by our inner wisdom. 


During the sound journey you will be invited to inquire on a few suggested questions and to let music take exactly where you need to go…


Enjoy your explorations and discoveries…


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July 16th - 18th 2021


Wisdom Across the Ages ~ Celebrating the Centennial of Archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas

This event is a celebration of the life and work of Marija Gimbutas. At the same time, the symposium also gives us the opportunity to honor and acknowledge others who have journeyed to the "realm of the ancestors." We want to provide a space to remember other mentors, colleagues, family, and friends whose encouragement and wisdom continue to inspire us. Please feel free to add the names of important people that you want to honor and remember. 

More info at

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Saturday June 12th, 12pm Pacific Time


The Wisdom of Trauma ~ Movie Premiere

Join the 7-Day World Premier. Live with Dr. Gabor Maté & Expert Guest Speakers

More info at

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May 2nd, 2021 - 11am - 2pm (Pacific Time), via Zoom

MetaHang Seminar with Laura Inserra

An homage to the Hang's 20th anniversary

Released officially in 2001 by PanArt, the Hang is a sound sculture that is consider the first new millenium instrument. I am excited to invite you to participate to this MetaHang Seminar and explore together this amazing instrument and some rudiments of the language of music.


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Starting on Saturday May 1st, 11am - 1pm Pacific Time


MetaMusic Modules

Exploring, learning, and making music to create resonant fields from which deep transformation and inner guidance arise.

A 9 weeks/modules program. You can take the advantage to use the discounted Full Course tuition or to participate to individual modules by clicking on the related links.

For the Full Course please RSVP at

More info at

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December 19th, 11:00am - 1pm (Pacific Time), streamed via Zoom

MetaMusic Practicum ~ Introductory Course Required


A MetaMusic group session to learn, experience, and practice sound and music as tools for self exploration, deep transformation, and wellbeing. 


Reserve your seat at


December 21st, 12:21pm (Pacific Time), streamed via Zoom

A Winter Solstice Sound Ceremony in Honor of our Times


Join an open conversation about this Winter Solstice followed by a sound ceremony.

Hosted by Laura Inserra & Nadine Kreisberger 

As the year 2020 draws to a close, we gather on the Winter Solstice for a precious moment of reflecting, blessing, integrating, visioning, journeying... 

We will explore ancient schools of wisdom — alchemy, shamanism, astrology — and what they can teach us for the times we are living. We will journey with sound and explore the energy of this Solstice, the synchronicities in the sky, the universal symbology of the arc of time we are part of, and the powerful opportunities awaiting our personal and collective evolution.

According to some traditions, on Winter Solstice the the veil between humans and spirits is thinnest. We will take this opportunity to honor those we have lost during the pandemic, as well as the forests, animals, and homes decimated by the devastating wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, to honor those who are fighting to end racial injustice and inequality in the world, as well as any kind of loss you might have encountered — the loss of a dear one, of a human connection, of a dream, of a relationship, of a life-style...

This Solstice will be all the more powerful as a very special conjunction will take place on that day in the sky, a rare astrological event which may signify new openings, new opportunities, deep transformation at both the personal and collective levels. This ceremony will therefore also be a chance to tune ourselves to the vision we want to manifest and set out energy to embrace the outcome.

Reserve your seat at

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January 29th, 5pm (Pacific Time) 2021, Live-streamed

A Candlelight Vigil with Dr. Larry Brilliant, Sydney Mintz, and Laura Inserra


Saturday, January 9th will be a year to the first official Covid death in the US. The Reimagine Foundation is marking this milestone by offering a moment of reflection, ritual, and community. 


I am honored to participate and co-create a Candlelight Vigil with Dr. Larry Brilliant — the eminent epidemiologist and philanthropist — and spiritual leader Rabbi Sydney Mintz, from the SF Congregation Emanu-El. I will be in conversation with them, and then I will offer a music ceremony to create the space to integrate, grieve, and honor the losses. 

I have no words to describe how important and vital it is right now to be connected and in co-creation. Join us by registering here​. Love & Light... Laura Inserra

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February 14th, 2021 - 1pm (Pacific Time), via Zoom

MetaMusic Journey for the 19th Annual World Sound Healing Day


Join us via Zoom at

ID: 86007787563


February 27th, 2021 - 11am (Pacific Time), via Zoom

MetaMusic Course 2021 ~ Becoming a Sound Alchemist


Learning how to create resonant fields from

which deep transformation, inner guidance and healing arise.

A 6 weeks program, starting on Saturday Feb. 27th, 11am (Pacific Time), via Zoom


MetaMusic Course is a 3-Part training on the use of sound and music as tools for self-exploration, healing, and sacred ceremony.


MetaMusic means beyond music, or beyond what so far you have considered music to be. In this context, music becomes experiential, functional, a metaphor of life, and it carries healing, inner guidance, and deep transformative properties.

Free Presentation + Sound Journey on Feb. 20th, 11am RSVP at

Sacramento State's Concert Choir & University Chorale / Concert

Music Ceremony & Sound Healing / Workshop

The Power of Music and Sound in Transformative Technology / Panel

TransTech Conference / Closing Ceremony

Inner Landscapes Sound Journey in Lodi / Music Ceremony

‘Make Your Double Chamber Zepotec Flute’ / Workshop

'Make Your Shamanic Drum' with Nash Tavewa (Mayan tradition) / Workshop

New Music Bay Area’s Garden of Memory / Concert

Culture Kin with Real Vocal String Quartet / Concert

Chambers of A.W.E. at TransTech - Transformative Technology / Conference

World Premier Chambers of A.W.E. - using sound to create transformative experiences

'Make Your Shamanic Drum' / Workshop with Nash Tavewa from the Zapotec tradition

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