Calendar till 2017
Rose Labyrinth 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley
Samavesha presents
Inner Landscapes Sound Journey with Laura Inserra and Cornelius Boots
As part of the Rose Labyrinth Series
With decades of practice, in dialogue with rare ancient and modern instruments, and in full resonance with every participant, Laura Inserra and Cornelius Boots will bring the transformative and healing power of sound in a unforgettable evening. They will lead us to an Inner Journey with their rare and ancient sounds and melodies. Laura will create a sound ceremony with a rich palette of global sounds using ancient and modern instruments which she infuses with a unique blend of harmonies and melodic lines on top of intricate rhythmic expressions. Cornelius will add his recent work about new and traditional meditation repertoire on shakuhachi 尺八, the earthy flute of Japanese Zen Buddhism, and Taimu, its baritone brother. The two together are promising a one-of-a-kind evening of beauty, harmony, healing, meditation, joy, wonder, and infinite stupor.
Inner Landscapes Sound Journey is the development of Laura Inserra's work around the transmutational and evolutive power of music which invite and nurture personal transformation, healing, and self-awareness. These 'sound ceremonies' are a musical immersion into enchanted soundscapes and an invitation to listen with your whole body your inner visions, moods, feelings, thoughts, and states. In other words, is an inspiration to relax into your precious 'presence' through a form of sound meditation.
The room will be set up in a way that we can fully and comfortably immerse ourselves into the inner journey or dance the flow of the invisible… There will be available regular chairs, room to lay down in the wood floor, and an assigned area where you can dance the flow of the invisible. You are welcome to bring a mat, an eye mask, pillows, or blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender to the experience.
Doors open 30 minutes prior to the concert and will close at 8pm sharp. No one is allowed after that to enter the space. Please arrive not later than 15 minutes prior to the concert to allow yourself to land and set up your seat.
Online ticket sale ends few hours before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.
When: Saturday December 2nd, 201/ Doors open: 7:30pm / Concert: 8pm
Where: Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley (1 mile walk from Downtown Berkeley BART & in the middle of the Gourmet Ghetto!)
Rose Labyrinth 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley
Samavesha presents
Inner Landscapes Journey / Sound Ceremony
As part of the Rose Labyrinth Series
Inner Landscapes Journey is the development of Laura Inserra's work around the transmutational and evolutive power of music which invite and nurture personal transformation, healing, and self-awareness. These 'sound ceremonies' are a musical immersion into enchanted soundscapes and an invitation to listen with your whole body your inner visions, moods, feelings, thoughts, and states. In other words, is an inspiration to relax into your precious 'presence' through a form of sound meditation.
We are pure vibration and everything vibrates around us which it means everything emanates sounds. Hearing is one of the first senses that activates when we come into life, and it is the last one to dissolve when we die. There is more to listening to than what we are aware of. Imagine only that we can hear up to 10 octaves compared to one octave of the color spectrum that the sight is able to perceive. With that in mind, our vision of life expands wilder than what only our eyes are able to receive. So much to say about that…
These performances display a rich palette of global sounds using ancient and modern instruments which she infuses with a unique blend of harmonies and melodic lines on top of intricate rhythmic expressions.
The room will be set up in a way that we can fully and comfortably immerse ourselves into the inner journey or dance the flow of the invisible… There will be available regular chairs, room to lay down in the wood floor, and an assigned area where where to dance. You are welcome to bring a mat, an eye mask, pillows, or blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender to the experience.
Doors open 30 minutes prior to the concert and will close at 7:30pm sharp. No one is allowed after that to enter the space. Please arrive not later than 15 minutes prior to the concert to allow yourself to land and set up your seat.
Online ticket sale ends at 1pm before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.
Dates: November 6, 2017
Doors open: 7pm
Concert: 7:30pm
Where: Rose Labyrinth, 2138 Cedar St. Berkeley (1 mile walk from Downtown Berkeley BART & in the middle of the Gourmet Ghetto!)

Sunday October 29, 2017 11am to 6pm
The Roundtable of Inner Characters / Workshop
Berkeley Hills (address sent upon signing up)
A playful exploration of our different personalities.
Have you ever felt confused and conflicted about a person or a situation? Have you ever felt some strong instinct only to be torn by immediate second guessing? Have you ever been self destructive and helpless to stop it? Have you ever teared up or been overwhelmed with anger or impatience in ways you couldn't explain? Have you ever felt uncertain about directions your life should take?
One way to understand this mix of feelings and contradictions is to look inside what we generically call “I”, or the self, and recognize it as a collection of characters. Each one of them displays different skills, needs, fears, limitations, roles, and desires. Nadine Kreisberger calls it the ‘The Roundtable of Inner Characters’. Having worked as a counselor and journalist on three continents, she found the limitations of simply using the word “I” in expressing one’s thoughts and feelings. She saw the need to understand much more in depth “who” in the person is thinking, or feeling. It was clear to her that each one of us is made of many different facets and personalities, and yet we are mostly unaware of who those are and what truly drives or distinguishes them.
Laura’s music will provide a powerful tool to harmonize the group and help each individual’s discovery through what she calls Inner Landscapes Journeys. Using sacred instruments, rhythms, and melodies, she will create a musical environment to facilitate and nurture personal transformation and self awareness. Her music will allow us to connect to feelings and realizations which sheer intellect could not reach. The combination of verbal and non verbal tools will help us integrate the shared knowledge in deeper, richer and more comprehensive ways.
Join us for this playful and yet empowering, transformative, and meaningful experience!
When: October 29, 2017, 11am-6pm
Where: Berkeley Hills (address sent upon signing up)
Fee: $360 per person.
If you are interested and have questions please email Nadine at
Oct. 14th 2017
TransTech - Transformative Technology Conference
Palo Alto, California
Bridging ancient and modern technology at TransTech. Transformative Technologies are medically and scientifically validated technologies supporting mental health, wellbeing and thriving. We are the largest global community of entrepreneurs and innovators leveraging tech to expand human joy and possibility. We gather, connect, and inspire our global community in order to stimulate the development of scalable transformative technologies. More info here.
Wednesday September 13, 2017 6:30pm
Consciousness Hacking Interactive: Music Medicine
The Center 548 Fillmore St, San Francisco
For centuries and in cultures all across the world, music and sound have been used for healing. Join us as we experience the way music medicine shifts our state of individual and collective consciousness resulting in lasting healing effects. Come for a dose of heart and spirit medicine, and to deepen your relationship to sound, to yourself, and to the world around you. You’ll learn to receive and express music, and to relate to music as a metaphor for life.
Expand your edge, release whatever is holding you back from your fullest expression, and allow music to be the vehicle for this soulful and reconnective journey.
In this workshop, you will:
~ Be a maker and receiver of music and sound
~ Amplify your creativity, self-trust and spontaneity through musical improv
~ Learn about the four elements of music - silence, rhythm, melody, and harmony
~ Use music to connect with your partner (romantic or business)
More info here:
Saturday September 9, 2017 8pm
Inner Landscapes Journey with Laura Inserra and Jérémy Marais
Rose Labyrinth 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley
Samavesha presents
Inner Landscapes Journey with Laura Inserra and Jérémy Marais
As part of the Rose Labyrinth Series
Inner Landscapes Journey is the development of Laura Inserra's work around the transmutational and evolutive power of music which invite and nurture personal transformation, healing, and self-awareness. It is a musical immersion into enchanted soundscapes and an invitation to listen with our whole body your inner visions, moods, feelings, thoughts, and states. In other words, is an inspiration to relax into your precious 'presence' through a form of sound meditation.
We are pure vibration and everything vibrates around us which it means plays sounds. Hearing is one of the first senses that activates when we come into life, and it is the last one to dissolve when we die. There is more to listening to than what we are aware of. Imagine only that we can hear up to 10 octaves compared to one octave of the color spectrum that the sight is able to perceive. With that in mind, our vision of life expands wilder than what only our eyes are able to receive. So much to say about that…
These performances display a rich palette of global sounds using ancient and modern instruments which she infuses with a unique blend of harmonies and melodic lines on top of intricate rhythmic expressions.
The room will be set up in a way that we can fully and comfortably immerse ourselves into the inner journey or dance the flow of the invisible… There will be available regular chairs, room to lay down in the wood floor, and an assigned area where where to dance. You are welcome to bring a mat, an eye mask, pillows, or blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender to the experience.
Doors open 30 minutes prior to the concert and will close at 8pm sharp. No one is allowed after that to enter in the space. Please arrive not later than 15 minutes prior to the concert to allow yourself to land and set up your seat. We will hosts a ‘Meet the Artist’s Vision’ to introduce the event and a Q&A at the end to integrate the experience.
Online ticket sale ends at 1pm before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge. Invite your friends on Facebook
Date: Saturday, September 9, 2017
Doors open: 7:30pm
Concert: 8pm
Q&A: after concert
Sat. and Sun. August 12 and 13, 2017
CoMakery presents Modern Tribes
Upload Vr, 1535 Mission Street, San Francisco
Join us to experience and evolve a different model of work that is more responsive, purpose driven, effective and intrinsically-satisfying. Our ethos is Play ~ Flow ~ CoMake. We believe this is the foundation of great innovation and collaboration.
Two days workshop in San Francisco.
Saturday August 12
Sunday August 13
RSVP only
Monday August 7, 2017 - 11am to 2pm
Tu B’Av at the JCCSF
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco - 3200 California Street, San Francisco
Stop by the JCCSF Pottruck Family Atrium and look for the woman with the typewriter. Choose a beautiful piece of paper. Tell Silvi who the poem is for and what that person is like. Watch in wonder as the poem takes shape.
Live music by Laura Inserra, a multi-instrumentalist from Sicily. She uses a blend of ancient and modern instruments that provide interesting and beautiful harmonies. More info at

Saturday July 15, 2017 - 8pm
Inner Landscapes Journey - Concert
Quantum Martial Arts - 2390 Mission Street Suite 305 San Francisco
Inner Landscapes Journey is a musical immersion and an invitation to listen with our whole body your inner visions, moods, states... in other words, an inspiration to relax into your precious 'presence' through deep listening.
Inner Landscapes Journey is part of Laura Inserra's solo concert series and focuses on compositions and instruments that take us into the journey of the sound, melody, and rhythm. This project is a development of her work around the transmutational power of music.
Meet the Artist's Vision at 7:30pm to introduce the event
Q&A at the end to integrate the experience.
Concert 8pm
Bring pillows and blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender. The room will be set up in a way that we can fully and comfortably immerse ourself into the journey. I look forward to share this one of-a-kind experience with you.

Sunday July 2, 2017 11am to 6pm
The Roundtable of Inner Characters / Workshop
Malibu, Los Angels (address sent upon signing up)
A playful exploration of our different personalities.
Have you ever felt confused and conflicted about a person or a situation? Have you ever felt some strong instinct only to be torn by immediate second guessing? Have you ever been self destructive and helpless to stop it? Have you ever teared up or been overwhelmed with anger or impatience in ways you couldn't explain? Have you ever felt uncertain about directions your life should take?
One way to understand this mix of feelings and contradictions is to look inside what we generically call “I”, or the self, and recognize it as a collection of characters. Each one of them displays different skills, needs, fears, limitations, roles, and desires. Nadine Kreisberger calls it the ‘The Roundtable of Inner Characters’. Having worked as a counselor and journalist on three continents, she found the limitations of simply using the word “I” in expressing one’s thoughts and feelings. She saw the need to understand much more in depth “who” in the person is thinking, or feeling. It was clear to her that each one of us is made of many different facets and personalities, and yet we are mostly unaware of who those are and what truly drives or distinguishes them.
Laura’s music will provide a powerful tool to harmonize the group and help each individual’s discovery through what she calls Inner Landscapes Journeys. Using sacred instruments, rhythms, and melodies, she will create a musical environment to facilitate and nurture personal transformation and self awareness. Her music will allow us to connect to feelings and realizations which sheer intellect could not reach. The combination of verbal and non verbal tools will help us integrate the shared knowledge in deeper, richer and more comprehensive ways.
Join us for this playful and yet empowering, transformative, and meaningful experience!
When: Sunday November 19, 2017, 11am-6pm
Where: Malibu, Los Angeles (address sent upon signing up)
Admission: $360 per person
If you are interested and have questions please email Nadine at

Saturday June 24, 2017 - 5pm to 8pm
Oakland Zoo’s 25th Annual Walk in the Wild
Oakland Zoo - 9777 Golf Links Road, Oakland
The East Bay Zoological Society presents Oakland Zoo’s 25th Annual Walk in the Wild: An Epicurean Escapade! Don't miss the fundraising event of the year - filled with live music, delicious food, drinks, music, and so much more.
More info at:

Wednesday June 21, 2017 - 5pm to 9pm
New Music Bay Area’s Garden of Memory at Chapel of the Chimes
Chapel of the Chime - 4499 Piedmont Ave. Oakland
Garden of Memory is a a columbarium walk-through event at the Chapel of the Chimes, in Oakland. is held every June 21st from 5pm to 9pm to celebrate the solstice at The Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland, California. Laura Inserra will play in the Garden of Eternal Wisdom. More info at:
Fri. Sat. Sun June 02, 03, 04 2017, 7pm outside, 9pm
YERBA BUENA CENTER FOR THE ARTS - 701 Mission Street, San Francisco
Last Blue Couch in the Sky is a two-part dance performance starting at Tutubi Plaza and ending in YBCA's Forum.
Conceived by prolific Bay Area choreographer Kim Epifano and Epiphany Dance Theater, and commissioned by YBCA in celebration of Epiphany’s twentieth anniversary, this production reveals the cultural erasure witnessed in the South of Market neighborhood. Led by a cast of 20 performers and featuring site-specific dance and performance happenings in the street, on fire escapes, and throughout public space, Last Blue Couch in the Sky will begin in Tutubi Plaza (Russ Street, between Minna and Natoma) and stop for pedestrian dance performances at six locations before arriving in YBCA’s Forum for a thrilling hour-long culmination.
Attendees are strongly encouraged to see the full arc of the performance in order to experience the artist’s intended vision. Please note that the performances in the neighborhood are free to the public, but you must have a ticket for the final phase inside the YBCA Forum.
More info at
Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 1pm
First United Methodist Church 625 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto
Join Cantabile Youth Singers of Silicon Valley for a one-of-a-kind concert event featuring Vocalise, Bravi, Aria, and world-renowned multi-instrumentalist Laura Inserra.
Web of Life, aims to bring us closer to the earth and each other through a program featuring new works, chant, and folk song. Under the direction of Maestra Elena Sharkova, Cantabile's touring and performing choirs and Laura Inserra will use voice, body, wine glasses, and a collection of world instruments to tell stories of the beauty and visceral nature of the earth. Every piece will be accompanied by a spectacular audio/visual collage of images and scenes aimed to connect us with global communities through song and to describe mankind's current relationship with nature. The performance will last approximately 100 minutes including a 15 minute intermission. A short reception will follow the concert.
More info at
Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 8pm
Spirit of the Modern Ancient
Rose Labyrinth 2138 Cedar St. - Berkeley, CA 94709
Samavesha presents
Spirit of the Modern Ancient
An aural journey with Laura Inserra & Stephen Kent
Two multi-instrumentalist sound magicians join together for an evening of journeys in musical magic. Laura Inserra and Stephen Kent perform with their extraordinary palette of global sounds and instruments, both ancient and modern. The possibilities are endless. Magic is afoot.
Bring pillows and blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender to the experience. The room will be set up in a way to fully and comfortably immerse oneself into the journey. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.
We’ll host a 'Meet the Artist's Vision' and Q&A at the end to integrate the experience.
Online ticket sale ends at 1pm before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.
Invite your Facebook friends at
February 18 and 19, 2017
VOICES IN POETRY: An Adventurous Concert Project
Saturday, February 18, 2017 * 7pm
St. Pauls Episcopal Church (1430 J Street, Sacramento, CA)
Sunday, February 19, 2017 * 5pm
Beatnik Studios (723 S Street, Sacramento, CA)
A concert project of new music for percussion and women’s voices featuring Bay Area-based multi-instrumentalist, Laura Inserra and local Sacramento poet, Renée Aubern.
This project is significant because it has given a platform for local artist and composers to create repertoire that includes the combination of instruments and voices that has never been done before. This promises to be a truly memorable evening, featuring live art, poetry readings, and discussions with the composers, artists, and musicians.
This year we present VOICES IN POETRY: An Adventurous Concert Project, a concert collaboration between Vox Musica and the Bay Area-based multi-instrumentalist and composer, Laura Inserra ( This performance will feature original compositions for women’s voices based on the text of local poet, Renée Aubern. These newly commissioned works and the improvisatory music of Laura Inserra will bring Renée’s text to life and will serve as the centerpiece for our presentation. This will be an amazing once-in-a-lifetime event with live art, poetry readings, and the opportunity to engage in discussion with our composers, artists, and musicians.
Saturday, February 11 2017
She Rises: Creating the Story Of Our Time - Workshop
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley, California 94709
Workshop with Leah Lamb and Laura Inserra
In this highly experiential and interactive workshop that uses story, music and dance… we will begin with a story…a new story about the times we are living in, and together, through movement, story, a group collaborative process, and an exploration of your inner landscape, we will create an ending together.
We will present our creation in a performance open to the community. Performing in the evening performance is not required.
This workshop will provide you:
• Creativity exercises to tap your intuition.
• A way to explore metaphor, symbols, and archetypes
• A creative process that invites exploration and fun while also examining the times we are living in.
• An opportunity to create and share in front of an audience in a supportive setting
• An experience of creating in relationship to the sacred
You are invited to participate to your comfort level.
No experience is required.

Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 7:30pm
Inner Landscapes Concert with Laura Inserra and The Murmurations Duo
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Inner Landscapes is a musical immersion that invites you into your inner visions, moods, emotional states... in other words, an inspiration to relax into your precious 'presence' through heedful listening. This project is a development of Laura Inserra's work around the transmutational power of music. Laura collaborates with musicians that have a similar ritualistic and experiential approach to music, and this time she is joined by The Murmurations Duo composed of Suellen Primost (cello) and Jérémy Marais (saxophones and percussion). Laura Inserra and The Murmurations Duo will transport you to your infinite Inner Landscapes through the journey of silence, sounds, rhythms, melodies, and harmonies...
We’ll host a 'Meet the Artist's Vision' at 7:15pm to introduce the concert and a Q&A at the end to integrate the experience. Bring pillows and blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender to the experience. The room will be set up in a way to fully and comfortably immerse oneself into the journey. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.
Online ticket sale ends at few hours before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge. Invite your friends on Facebook
Date: Saturday, December 10 2016
Meet the Artist's Vision: 7:15pm
Concert: 7:30pm
Q&A: after concert
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
(1 mile walk from Downtown Berkeley BART & in the middle of the Gourmet Ghetto!)

October 19 to 22, 2016
SAND: Science And Non-Duality Conference
Dolce Hayes Mansion, 200 Edenvale Ave, San Jose, CAScience and Nonduality provides a forum where preeminent scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality, that is both grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life.More info:

Saturday, Oactober 8 2016 - 8pm
Spirit of the Modern Ancient with Laura Inserra & Stephen Kent
SF Live Arts at Cyprian's - 2097 Turk Street, San Francisco
Two multi-instrumentalist immigrant virtuosos to the Bay Area join together for the first time in an evening of duo and solo explorations in musical magic. Mixing it up with their extraordinary palette of global sounds and textures, both ancient and modern. Laura Inserra (Sicily) performs on the Hang (Hand-pan), Kalimba, Drums and Percussion unlimited while Stephen Kent (UK) plays Didgeridoo, Percussion, Cello-Sintir and whatever else comes to hand, foot and mouth. The possibilities are endless. Magic is afoot. More info:

Saturday, October 1, 2016 - 8pm
Inner Landscapes with Laura Inserra and The Murmurations Duo
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Inner Landscapes is a musical immersion that invites you into your inner visions, moods, states... in other words, an inspiration to relax into your precious 'presence' through heedful listening. This project is a development of Laura Inserra's work around the transmutational power of music. Laura collaborates with musicians that have a similar ritualistic and profound approach to music, and this time she is joined by The Murmurations Duo composed of Suellen Primost (cello) and Jérémy Marais (saxophones, clarinet, and percussion). Laura Inserra and The Murmurations Duo will transport you to your infinite Inner Landscapes through the journey of sounds, rhythms, and melodies...
We’ll host a 'Meet the Artist's Vision' at 7:45pm to introduce the concert and a Q&A at the end to integrate the experience. Bring pillows and blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender to the experience. The room will be set up in a way to fully and comfortably immerse oneself into the journey. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.
Online ticket sale ends the day before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge. Invite your friends on Facebook
Date: Saturday, October 1st 2016
Meet the Artist's Vision: 7:45pm
Concert: 8pm
Q&A: after concert
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
(1 mile walk from Downtown Berkeley BART & in the middle of the Gourmet Ghetto!)

Friday, August 19 2016 - 11am to 3pm
Tu B'Av
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco - 3200 California Street, San Francisco
Tu B'Av is an ancient matchmaking festival that's evolved into a modern celebration of love. The origins of Tu B'Av can be traced to the grape harvest in ancient Israel. During the harvest, young unmarried women would dance and sing their way through the vineyards dressed in white to signal their eligibility for marriage.
The modern revival of the holiday is also called Hag Ha-Ahava (the holiday of love), and this celebration of romance can takemany forms. Love poems are a classic way to express tender feelings. Their long lineage reaches back past Shakespeare, but they still feel fresh and relevant today.
Celebrate the object of your affection with a free personalized poem from Silvi Alcivar at the JCCSF on August 19. Ask her to write a poem for your sweetheart, your dog, your city, your bike or even your best self, and find a modern connection to this ancient holiday.

Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 6:30pm
I AM Animal: An Adventurous Night of Story & Music in The Oakland Zoo
The Oakland Zoo - 9777 Golf links Rd, Orinda, California 94563
In Living Landscapes EventCo-Produced with Oakland Zoo Conservation/Action for Wildlife
Explore your wild nature as we stroll within the animal kingdom on the beautiful grounds of Oakland Zoo. Hear stories from those that spend their lives working for the good of our furred, scaled and feathered brothers and sisters, ensuring their well-being within the zoo grounds and out in the lush jungles of our spectacular planet.
Your stories will be offered by conservationists, educators, zoo keepers, story mavens and entertaining elders, and will weave truth with myth, comedy with hope for the future of all of us animals.
This evening will be a benefit for Sun Bears, the planet’s smallest bear who faces challenges due to the palm oil industry. More info:
Live music by the Laura Inserra

Friday, August 12, 2016 - 7pm
Friday Nights at Oakland Museum of California
Get your Oakland groove on at Friday Nights @ OMCA with Off the Grid food trucks, music, and more! Join OMCA every Friday for a family-friendly take on a festive night market, with the best in Bay Area curbside cuisine from gourmet food trucks, local beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages at the Blue Oak beer garden, live music, and dance lessons. Get creative at family-friendly drop-in workshops, learn from local foodies in the Makers & Tasters Series, and enjoy special guest performers and events. More info:

August 1 to 10, 2016
Axis Dance Company Summer Intensive
Led by AXIS Dance Company Guest Artistic Director Marc Brew and AXIS Dancers.
Learn new skills in three different modules derived from the company’s working ethos and repertoire that will enhance and develop your own practice in improvisation, choreography and performance. This year, our specialized teacher training for dance teachers and experienced artists will expand from two to three days. The Teacher Training module is geared towards professionals wanting to enhance their skills and working methods in inclusive dance and translation for dancers with physical disabilities. More info at

June 24, 25, 26 2016 - 8pm
Dance Monks present TLAOLI: People of the Corn Performance & Installation
La Peña Cultural Center - 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley
TLAOLI is an interdisciplinary look at corn as essential to Mexican cultural identity; the mythic relationship between people and plants, traditional sacred farming, foods and agricultural rituals. The artists ask essential questions regarding cultural displacement and amnesia while looking at the potential of seeds and the arts to restore soul memory. During times of forced or voluntary migration what happens to the ancient stories and traditions that bind the people with the land? How can we create refuge or fertile ground for this wisdom to continue to grow for future generations?
The internationally renowned dance troupe DANCE MONKS will be transforming La Peña into a mythical world of tlaoli (Nahuatl for corn). The audience will be immersed by all five senses as the artists use interdisciplinary mediums to look at corn as essential to Mexican cultural identity; the mythic relationship between people and plants, traditional sacred farming, foods and agricultural rituals.
TLAOLI: People of the Corn is a poetic response to current US anti-immigration politics and the infamous big business takeover of agriculture with GMOs, DANCE MONKS invites the public to an experiential, site-specific installation and performance.
Performance & Installation: DANCE MONKS, Mirah and Rodrigo Esteva
Lighting Design by: Wolfgang Wachalovsky
Music: Live by Laura Inserra and traditional music of Mexico
More info and tickets:

Tuesday June 21, 2016 - 5pm to 9pm
New Music Bay Area’s Garden of Memory
Chapel of the Chime - 4499 Piedmont Ave. Oakland
Garden of Memory is a a columbarium walk-through event at the Chapel of the Chimes, in Oakland. is held every June 21st from 5pm to 9pm to celebrate the solstice at The Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland, California. Laura Inserra will play in the Garden of Eternal Wisdom.More info at:

Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:30pm
Inner Landscapes Concert with Laura Inserra and Tbird Luv
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Samavesha presents Inner Landscapes Concert with Laura Inserra and Tbird Luv as part of the Rose Labyrinth Series
Life is gifting us with the opportunity of presenting a musical journey into Inner Landscapes with musicians Laura Inserra and Tbird Luv. This is an invitation for them to share their authentic presence of the Soul through the music, and for you to experience a deep connection with yourself through your alive sense of ‘listening’… A journey made by each of us in the landscapes of our inner world...
We’ll host a 'Meet the Artist's Vision' at 7:30pm to introduce the concert and a Q&A at the end to integrate the experience. Bring pillows and blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender.
The room will be set up in a way that we can fully and comfortably immerse ourself into the journey. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.
Online ticket sales end the day before the concert. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge. Invite your friends on Facebook:
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2016
Meet the Artist's Vision: 7:30pm
Concert: 8pm
Q&A: after concert
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
(1 mile walk from Downtown Berkeley BART & in the middle of the Gourmet Ghetto!)
Tbird Luv trail blazes the path of "next level" integrated musical genres of various kinds. Drawing upon experimental world music, gypsy- acoustic, blues, & classical music, she is known as one of the leading contemporary flautist who dared to go well beyond the adventurous terrain the modernist flute player. She combines extended techniques for flute that sound like bird calls, growls and wind sounds, and vamps them together with vocal harmonies. Metaphorically, she takes audiences on journeys into Africa, South East Asia jungles and caves and mountain tops...the cosmos and beyond. More info:

Thursday April 28, 2016 - 7:30pm
Deep Listening Concert
Rose Labyrinth – 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Deep Listening Concert is an invitation to listen with our whole body. A more subtle and active listening than the passive and automatic hearing we are used to.… this is what I call deep listening. Hearing is one of the first senses that activates when we come into life, and it is the last one to dissolve when we die. There is more to listening to than what we are aware of. Imagine only that we can hear up to 10 octaves compared to one octave of the color spectrum that the sight is able to sense. With that in mind, our vision of life expands wilder than what only our eyes are able to receive. So much to say about that…
I’ll host a ‘Meet the Artist’s Vision’ at 7pm to introduce the event, and a Q&A at the end to integrate the experience. Bring pillows and blankets if you want to lay down and completely surrender. The room will be set up in a way that we can fully and comfortably immerse ourself into the journey. I look forward to share this one of-a-kind experience with you.
“Deep Listening is part of Inserra’s solo concert series and focuses on compositions and instruments that take us into the journey of the sound, melody, and rhythm.”
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Meet the Artist’s Vision: 7:30pm
Concert: 8pm
Q&A: after concert
Invite your friends on Facebook!
Rose Labyrinth – 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
(1 mile walk from Downtown Berkeley BART & in the middle of the Gourmet Ghetto!)
Online ticket sales end at 5 PM the day before the event. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.

Thursday April 21, 2016 - 7pm
Full: Invent
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) - 2155 Center Street, Berkeley
An encounter with homemade and experimental instruments. Composer and instrument builder Paul Dresher brings his “omnivorous sensibility” (San Francisco Chronicle) to bear on works for his Quadrachord, joined by innovative percussionist Joel Davel on his Marimba Lumina. In addition, Edward Schocker performs on his own updated version of the glass harmonica, and multi-instrumentalist Laura Inserra creates a rich tapestry for the ears with instruments from around the world. Renowned avant-garde accordionist Guy Klucevsek, who has performed with such luminaries as Laurie Anderson and the Kronos Quartet, explores the extreme expressive range of his instrument. Read more:

April 16 to May 7 - 2016
Sound design and music score for Whale's Wake
The Flight Deck - 1540 Broadway, Oakland
Dad is dead. Emma is home. Now there’s a whale. A clan’s grief for its lost patriarch surreally bends the rules of society and the laws of nature. As the family struggles with economic ruin, the ocean seems to share their devastation. More info and tickets at
Written and directed by Amy Sass. An Equity-approved project co-produced with PlayGround.
April 16-May 7 (Preview April 15, 8 pm)
Fridays and Saturdays, 8 pm
Saturday Matinee, 2 pm (no matinee April 16)
Sundays, 7 pm (no show May 8)

Friday October 30, 2015 - 8pm
AlphaBeth: Laura Inserra and Barbara Eramo duo
Quantum Martial Arts - 2390 Mission Street #305 San Francisco
Join us for a very special benefit concert in support of Quantum Martial Arts’ Scholarship Program. Alphabeth, a duo by Laura Inserra and Barbara Eramo, has performed for many years at numerous important venues in Italy and California. This concert is going to be a celebration of their 10 years of collaboration. Join us!
Show: 8:30pm
Open doors: 8pm
Invite your friends on Facebook!

Thursday October 29, 2015 - 8pm
AlphaBeth: Laura Inserra and Barbara Eramo duo
Rose Labyrinth – 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
From songs inspired by Emily Dickinson poems to rhythms, and melodies from around the world, infused by a variety of different music styles. Alphabeth, a duo by Laura Inserra and Barbara Eramo, has performed for many years at numerous important venues in Italy and California. This concert is going to be a celebration of their 10 years of collaboration. Join us!
Free tea service and chocolate
Show: 8pm
Open doors: 7:45pm
Invite your friends on Facebook!
Online ticket sales end at 5 PM the day before the event. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.

Thursday October 22, 2015 - 7pm
Science And Non-Duality
Dolce Hayes Mansion, 200 Edenvale Ave, San Jose, CAScience and Nonduality provides a forum where preeminent scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality, that is both grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life.More info:

Saturday October 17, 2015 - 8pm
Deep Listening Concert
Rose Labyrinth – 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
After receiving great feedback, I am presenting another Deep Listening Concert. This concert is an invitation to listen with your whole body; a more subtle and active listening than the passive and automatic hearing we are used to.… what I call deep listening.
Hearing is one of the first senses we activate when we come to life, and it is the last one we lose when we die. There is more to listening to than what we are aware of. Imagine only that you can hear up to 10 octaves compared to one octave of the color spectrum that the sight is able to sense.
For me deep listening is contemplation, being present, flow, authenticity, surrender, slow down… What comes to my mind is tribal music, Meredith Monk, Steve Reich, Anna Halprin, Auguste Rodin, Michelangelo… Pauline Oliveros for example describes deep listening as “listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what one is doing.” Basically she refers about the difference between the involuntary nature of hearing and the voluntary, selective nature of listening. Again active listening versus passive hearing. This projects is very special to me because allows us to connect in a deep level and in a authentic way. Look forward to share it with you.
Online tickets sale ends at 5 PM the day before the event. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.This is part of the Rose Labyrinth Series. More info:

Sunday September 20, 2015 from 11am to 5pm
Art in Nature ~ The Nature of Art Festival
Stream Trail of Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, CaliforniaStroll along the mile-long Stream Trail, experience art in nature, and delve into the nature of art throughout 12 theme areas featuring music, dance, sculpture, painting, martial arts, poetry, body painting, circus arts, theater, visual arts, storytelling, arts & crafts, kids activities and more. Art in Nature ~ The Nature of Art is an interdisciplinary, interactive, site‑specific immersion into art and nature and the beauty of creating. It invites the spontaneous artistic co‑creation of festival participants and 300+ professional artists. The festival title reflects two distinct aims: Art in Nature: different expressions of art displayed and performed in nature.The Nature of Art: revealing the artists’ processes, techniques, and tools.The Festival is accessed by free parking and Shuttle from Merritt College. The shuttle takes you directly to the entrance of the event and the ride is only 10 minutes. For detailed info please visit the Getting There page. Admission and transportation are FREE.Directed by Laura InserraMore info:

Monday August 10, 2015 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
AXIS Community Dance Jam
Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts, 1428 Alice Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Former AXIS Dancer Sebastian Grubb will lead workshop participants and community members in two jams during our Summer Intensive from 5:30-7:30 pm. Featuring LIVE MUSIC by the incredible Laura Inserra.
Cost: $12/class; $50/five classes - for the full month of August (Community Dance Jams and the AXIS Led Open Adult, All-Levels Classes).
This Jam is an open, informal space to which dancers of all types and backgrounds are invited to explore their bodies in a kinesthetic relationship to other bodies. The jam will begin with a brief intro. Contact Improvisation is a physical investigation into gravity, momentum, and weight sharing solo or between two or more bodies. Dancers move with constant attentiveness to their own bodies, impulses, and trajectories, while listening and responding authentically to their partners. The form encourages mindful awareness and mutual exchange. For beginners through advanced movers.
More info:

Saturday August 22, 2015 from 4pm to 7pm
Wine, Women & Wine
2513 Blanding Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501Northern California’s finest women winemakers, musicians & visual artists come together to raise money for youth arts education in the East Bay.
Wine Tasting 4 pm–7 pm
Panel Discussion moderated by Wine Enthusiast Contributing Editor: Virginie Boone re: Impact of Women in the Wine Industry 5 pm–6 pm
Musical Performances 7:30 pm–9 pm (Reserved for VIP & General Admission Wine Tasting + Show Ticket Holders)
EXTRA, Added R&B Show: AFTER GLOW 9:30pm
Plus Special Exhibition Through Her Eyes in the K Gallery
More info:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 7pm
Storytelling, Poetry & Music in the Berkeley Hills
Once you purchase your ticket...more details will be revealed
In Living Landscapes presents:
A radical evening of adventurous listening....
The cityscape creates the soundtrack, and the audience forms the stage as we take to the streets in this one of a kind storytelling tour of public spaces in the Berkeley hills. Some are secret. Some are not.
The theme of the evening is DEEP LISTENING...expect to hear poems amidst the birds chirping at sunset, stories about touching the edge of the sacred, fairytales, and delightful music that will invite you into an inward journey as we take to the streets and let story and song connect us to our land and our community.
There will be truth! There will be fiction!
Things You Want To Know About This Event:
+ This is a walking tour. You really want to wear comfortable shoes
+ We encourage you to bring snacks and drinks. Actually, we'll be giving an award to the person who brings the best flask!
+ We will be in the outside environment: dress for a summer in San Francisco (that means bring layers)
+ Timeliness is next to godliness. We will be LEAVING our meeting spot at 7pm. The entertainment will begin at 6:45
Once you purchase your ticket...more details will be revealed
More info:!in-living-landscapes-presents-deep-list/c1z0n
Thursday July 2, 2015 - 7:30pm
Deep Listening Concert
Rose Labyrinth – 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Laura Inserra has collaborated with various artists globally. Her performances display ancient and modern instruments and are infused with a unique blend of musical inspiration and melodic harmonies which deeply resonate with audiences worldwide. Deep Listening is part of her solo concert series and focus on compositions and instruments that take us into the journey of the sounds, melodies, and rhythms.
Online ticket sales end at 5 PM the day before the event. Tickets will still be available at the door at an extra charge.
This is part of the Rose Labyrinth Series.
More info:

Sunday June 21, 2015 - 5pm to 9pm
Garden of Memory
Chapel of the Chime - 4499 Piedmont Ave. Oakland
Garden of Memory is a a columbarium walk-through event at the Chapel of the Chimes, in Oakland. is held every June 21st from 5pm to 9pm to celebrate the solstice at The Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland, California. Laura Inserra will play in the Garden of Eternal Wisdom.
More info at:

Friday May 22, 2015 - 7pm
SF International Arts Festival
The Chapel, Fort Mason Center - 2 Marina Boulevard, San Francisco
SFIAF celebrates the arts by bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. The organization presents innovative projects that are focused on increasing human awareness and understanding. SFIAF’s curatorial priorities include developing collaborative projects led by Bay Area artists working with their national and international peers and presenting world-class international artists who often do not have US representation and whose work is rarely (or never previously) seen in the United States.
More info at

Saturday March 21, 2015 - 9pm
Afflato di Primavera: A Light exsists in Spring
Chiesa San Francesco da Paola, Lentini, Sicilia.
Poesie di Emily Dickinson musicate dal vivo da Laura Inserra
Ospiti musicistiBarbara Eramo voce e ukuleleLaura Vinciguerra voce ed arpaErika Ragazzi violinoAlfredo Longo chitarra
Introduzione alle poesie a cura di Philip Anthony Drury
Riferimenti letterari a cura di Ylenia Oliva
Fragranze del territorio e produzione artigianale di Pippo Pellegrino

Sunday March 15, 2015 - 7:30pm
Laura Inserra and friends...
Lian Club - Lungotevere dei Mellini, Rome
Aperitivo e bistrot + Voci e Strumenti del mondo! Visioni al crepuscolo... tra suoni, sapori e poesia.
Laura Inserra - Hang, Khen, percussions
Barbara Eramo - voice, ukulele
Diana Tejera - voice, guitar
plus Pasquale Laino, Stefano Saletti, Titti Smeglio and more...

Thursday February 26, 2015 - 9pm
NADA YOGA - Incontro di Yoga e Musica
Yoga Turiya - Via della Mendola 61, Roma
Finalmente siamo riusciti ad organizzarne un altro! La meravigliosa Laura Inserra è in Italia e come al solito le abbiamo chiesto di donarci un po' della sua magia con l'hang (e non solo!).
La musica cambia il modo in cui pratichiamo Yoga, ci aiuta ad andare al di là della mente, a fluire col movimento naturale dell'energia! Vi aspettiamo...

Thursday January 8, 2015 - All day
Sample Logic recordings at Skywalker Sound - Lucas Film
Skywalker Ranch Road, Nicasio, CA
BOHEMIAN - Cinematic Street & New World Instruments is a diverse collection of 800+ exotic, traditional, and morphed instruments & multis. We recorded a lot of my instruments as a source and they morph and expand them, creating a whole new world of bohemian street sounds, ready for any composition. It sounds amazing!
More info at:
Watch the trailer HERE

October 17 to November 8, 2014
1540 Broadway, Oakland CA
Ragged Wing are performing at the Flight Deck, REDWOLF. Inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, the most sexually charged of folk tales, REDWOLF is a world-premiere, full-length play co-written by Ragged Wing Artistic Director Amy Sass and nationally recognized playwright Anthony Clarvoe. Ripe with hunger, sexuality, and the conflict between the paved and the wild, REDWOLF follows a young woman’s journey from girlhood to wolf hood. Among the talented cast, you can enjoy the sound design and original music by Laura Inserra and Tamara Roberts.
More info:

October 24, 2014 - 4:20pm
Science And Non-Duality
Dolce Hayes Mansion, 200 Edenvale Ave, San Jose, CA
Science and Nonduality provides a forum where preeminent scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality, that is both grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life.
More info:

September 21, 2014 - 11am to 5pm
Art in Nature ~ The Nature of Art
Stream Trail of Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, California
Stroll along the mile-long Stream Trail, experience art in nature, and delve into the nature of art throughout 12 theme areas featuring music, dance, sculpture, painting, martial arts, poetry, body painting, circus arts, theater, visual arts, storytelling, arts & crafts, kids activities and more.
Art in Nature ~ The Nature of Art is an interdisciplinary, interactive, site‑specific immersion into art and nature and the beauty of creating. It invites the spontaneous artistic co‑creation of festival participants and 200+ professional artists.
The festival title reflects two distinct aims:Art in Nature: different expressions of art displayed and performed in nature.The Nature of Art: revealing the artists’ processes, techniques, and tools.
Admission and transportation are FREE.
Directed by Laura Inserra
More info:

July 19, 2014 - 8pm
BEL Trio
Subterranean Arthouse - 2179 Bancroft Way, Berkeley
Multi-instrumentalists Laura Inserra and Evan Fraser with bassist Ben Levine perform a world fusion music concert. Come enjoy their unique instruments, grooves, melodies, and harmonies.
More info at

June 21, 2014 - 5pm to 9pm
Garden of Memory
Chapel of the Chime - 4499 Piedmont Ave. Oakland
Garden of Memory is a a columbarium walk-through event at the Chapel of the Chimes, in Oakland. is held every June 21st from 5pm to 9pm to celebrate the solstice at The Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland, California. Laura Inserra will play in the Garden of Eternal Wisdom.
More info at:

Wednesday June 11, 2014 - 5pm
The Flight Deck Opening Festival
The Flight Deck - 1540 Bradway, Oakland
The Flight Deck is a collaborative arts space and performance venue opening on June 6, 2014 in Downtown Oakland, where artists of all kinds and ages can work, play, collaborate, learn and thrive.
More info at:

Venerdì, 23 Maggio 2014 - 9pm
Musica, vini e spuntini.
Enoteca Giansanti - Via Ostiense 34, 00154 Rome, Italy
Mi piacerebbe tantissimo rivedere tutti voi amici di Roma e dintorni. Fra gli strumenti inusuali che suonero', ascolterete in prima italiana il Gubal, il nuovo strumento della PanArt, che e' l'evoluzione dell'Hang.

Thursday March 6, 2014 - 7:30pm
Creative Celebrations Show
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
A celebratory evening of music and performances. There will be a variety of great musicians and performers, plus a participatory pre-performance Tai Qi session. We would love to invite also your 'creativity' to be part of the show. We are planning to have a 30 minutes 'open stage' section, at the very end, where you can share a 2-3 minutes creative act. Sing your favorite song, read a poem, share your grandma best recipe, or mesmerize us with a surprise. Contact to book your act.
Among the performers:
Holly Shaw - dancer
Shay Nichols - singer
Carter Brooks - story teller
Adey - singer and pianist
Ben Levine - bassist
Hot Chackra Trio
Alonzo Young - Tai Chi
and more...
Show: 7:30pm
Open doors: 7pm
Donation based event, reservation at

Saturday February 8, 2014 - 7:30pm
World Music Trio Concert
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Multi-instrumentalists Laura Inserra and Evan Fraser with bassist Ben Levine perform a world fusion music concert. Come enjoy unique instruments, grooves, melodies, and harmonies in the magical Rose Labyrinth.
Doors: 7:15 pm
Concert: 7:30 pm
Online Tickets: $15
At the door: $20

Friday January 17, 2014 - 9:30pm
Fertile Void - Sextet
The Regency Ballroom - 1300 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
The Fertile Void is a new musical ensemble made up of singer and composer Carrie Katz, founder/composer/singer for Rosin Coven, multi-instrumentalist Laura Inserra, and the string quartet Squid, Inc.
Haunting bells, other-worldly instruments, lush strings, and voice give form to the longings and secret hopes of the soul. In the Museum of Wonders at The Edwardian Ball, an environment to behold and engage all of your senses. We are honored to be a part of The Edwardian World’s Faire 2014, the Friday night of The 14th Annual Edwardian Ball.

Saturday Dec. 14, 2013 - 7:30pm Concert - 8:30pm Instruments Sale
Solo Concert + Musical Instruments Sale
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
At this next Solo Concert I am going to sell some of the local and worldwide musical instruments I will play that night. Why? Because I have too many musical instruments and they are made to be played. Click here to see and read about some of them.
Online tickets $12-25
Tickets at the door $15-35
10% discount on the sale to who comes to the concert.
If you want you can join us only for the musical instruments sale and a refreshment.

Every Monday in Sept. & Oct. 2013 - 6:30pm to 8pm
Creative Explorations Lab
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Online reservations $10. Click here.
at the door $15
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it.” Martha Graham
Creative Explorations are participatory sessions curated by Laura Inserra and designed to help you connect to your source of creativity and unique manifestation of beauty. Read more...

Saturday Oct. 5, 2013 - 8pm
The Outlaw. Commissioned by West Wave Dance Festival
ODC Commons, 351 Shotwell, Studio B, San Francisco
Tickets $15 advance
$20 at the door
Holly Shaw and the Eve's Elixir Project will be collaborating with musician/composer Laura Inserra on The Outlaw, a contemporary flamenco piece commissioned by the San Francisco West Wave Dance Festival. Shaw and Inserra's piece was one of four curated to be in the festival out of twenty-one other submissions. More info here...

Sunday October 20, 2013 - 10:30-4pm
Yoga + Farm Tour + Music + Lunch with David Moreno, Charlie Hallowell & Laura Inserra
Location to be announced!
Reservation $105. All included.
We've gathered the Bay Area's best for our first event of the fall. An afternoon at the farm with renowned yoga teacher David Moreno, highly acclaimed chef Charlie Hallowell and spectacular musician Laura Inserra, for yoga, farming, music and food to die for. A yoga class starts the day followed by a walk around the farm and a fantastic meal with local produce and a special touch.
10:30 - Guests Arrive
11:00 - Yoga Class w/ David Moreno w/ music by Laura Inserra
2:00 - Farm to table lunch by Charlie Hallowell
More info here...

Saturday Sept. 28, 2013 - 7:30pm doors, 8pm concert
Laura Inserra & Evan Fraser Duo
Webster Haven (House Concert) - 2329 Webster St, Berkeley
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED as seating is limited: email or call 510-849-1969
$15-20 donation requested
You are warmly invited to experience rich and hypnotic world fusion music with Laura Inserra and Evan Fraser. Savor this masterful duo with their unique blend of ancient and modern acoustic instruments, exquisite grooves, melodies, and harmonies. Back by popular demand…

Thursday Sept. 12, 2013 - 7:30 pm
Laura Inserra & Evan Fraser Duo
Rose Labyrinth - 2138 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Online tickets $10 chair, $20 couch. Click here.
at the door $15 chair, $25 couch
By popular demand, back on the stage two of the most eclectic international multi-instrumentalist musicians. A world fusion music concert with Laura Inserra and Evan Fraser. Unique instruments, grooves, melodies, and harmonies. This is a must!
Laura Inserra is a vibrant and talented composer, multi-instrumentalist, percussionist and artistic director from Sicily. She is a classically trained musician with a strong improvisational background, and plays contemporary and world music in different projects. In collaboration with acclaimed musicians from all over the world, Inserra has written and performed music for theater, dance performances, art exhibits, and film soundtracks. For over 15 years, she has been a performer and artistic director in multidisciplinary performances in Europe and in the US. Audiences worldwide are mesmerized by her musical virtuosity and captivated by the passion she brings to the stage.
Evan Fraser is a multi-instrumentalist, performer and recording artist currently based in the Bay Area. Evan graduated from CalArts in LA with a BFA degree in World Music. His teachers include: John Bergamo, Randy Gloss, Alfred & Kobla Ladzekpo, Sulley Imoro, Nyomen Wenton, Jim Santi Owen, Mark Growden, Hamsa Lila, Mamadou Sidibe & Yakouba Diarra. Some of the instruments Evan plays are: electric kalimba, mbira, marimbula (bass kalimba), kalimbas in different keys, jaw harp, (jew's harp, mouth harp) in all keys from many different countries, frame drums, berimbau, pandeiro, dumbek, zabumba (bass drum), calabash, caxixi, clave, guiro, bells, quarkeba (metal castentets), tamborine, bottles, overtone flute, ney, spoons, bones, & shakers (so many kinds!). Kamale Ngoni (an african harp similar to a kora) in several keys, lap steel slide guitar, electric lap steel, dan bau, cigar box slide guitar, & resophonic slide dobro, harmonica in several keys, and anything else he can get his hands on!

Aug, 22, 23, 24, 25 2013 - 8 pm
Performing Diaspora - Weekend Two
Performing Diaspora artists represent many of the state’s most exciting new voices at the intersection of traditional arts, contemporary performance and California’s changing demographic. In the second festival weekend, Laura Inserra, Muisi-kongo Malonga and Nadhi Thekkek excavate their own heritage and push the boundaries of their current practice, exploring themes of resistance, spirituality and love.
1310 Mission Street, San Francisco
More info at