In-Person & Online
Inner Resonance Explorations
Shifting Dissonance Into Resonance
October 2nd at 12pm PDT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter
Inner Resonance Explorations are guided immersive and deeply transformative experiences through music, body awareness, and wisdom practices. They provide tools to harmonize our system and connect to a larger vital force. It's an invitation to become an inner voyager and let music guide you.
During these group sessions, we take an immersive sound journey to tune to our inner resonance and harmonize our system. In that context music awakens what is asleep in us, helping getting deep awareness, inner guidance, and healing energy. At the end of the sound journey we take a few minutes break and after that, for those who feel like being in the group field, we will make room to share a few voices of wisdom.
In preparation I recommend:
making sure to have a stable internet connection.
having installed the Zoom app on your smartphone or computer.
finding a quiet room where you can be free to express yourself, move, or lay down.
having a good sound system or headphones (preferably wireless) to fully immerse yourself into the sound experience.
a blanket, a glass of water, a journal with a pen, or some incense are also great ‘companions’ to have at your side.
By holding an intention and 'feeling' the outcome in our whole body we are making a silent action.
In ancient schools of wisdom it was known that humans are electromagnetic transmitters who send out thoughts and emotions and have a corresponding attraction to what we have sent out. Modern studies talk about The Law of Attraction, the ability to attract what we focus on, revealing that thoughts create electromagnetic fields and produce similar effects as actions. Basically we become a tuning fork that can tune 'energy' to a specific ‘frequency’ and have a tangible effect on 'reality'.
The essence of the Universe is vibration, quenchless energy in motion, e-motion. Music is able to orchestrate scattered vibrations in an harmonious order, creating organized energetic ‘forms’ of emotions and physical experiences. Our body is also energy in motion, e-motion, and can project intentional energy into thought-forms. When we use imagery to visualize an outcome, through our intent and awareness we are investing mental and physical energy into these thought-forms. By feeling the outcome in our whole body as if it has already happened, we are investing augmented energy into potential ‘forms’ of manifestation. In other words, when focus our intention, our awareness, and our feelings to envision an outcome, we make a ‘silent’ action that creates a tangible impact in our inner and outer environment.
We live in symbiosis with each other and the natural world.
No matter where in the world your feet are touching the ground, we are all interconnected and living in symbiosis on this amazing and fragile Spaceship Earth, as Buckminster Fuller rightfully called our planet... We truly need to use a better 'manual' to protect our species and the rest of the living. More than ever, I feel it is time to being creative together and united with each other. We might use this opportunity to send harmonized energy to our system as well as to the collective body, envisioning a more regenerative and healing living.
I hope to see you among us, supporting each other and our planet as an harmonized Earth community.
Laura Inserra

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others." ~ Martha Graham
Inner Resonance Explorations at Esalen Institute ~ Big Sur, California
Step out of dissonant environments and step into the harmonic resonance of your body and mind.
This will be a weekend of immersive sound journeys, playful creativity, body awareness, energetic explorations, wisdom traditions, and deep flow, while benefiting from Esalen’s rejuvenating beauty.
Inner Resonance Explorations is the development of Laura Inserra’s work around the transformative power of sound and body awareness. It is a musical immersion into enchanted soundscapes and an invitation to listen with your whole body to your visions, moods, feelings, thoughts, and states.
No music knowledge is needed, just an openness to connect with your vibrational nature and the joy of sound.

During this weekend together we will:
Experience immersive sound journeys with a multitude of ancient and modern acoustic instruments.
Move and drum to feel, express, and integrate emotions and in-sights.
Learn techniques to connect and release emotional, mental, and physical stagnation.
Dance, wander, and play alone, together, and with all the elements around.
Harmonize body and mind, while learning new pathways to access your innate wisdom.

Faculty Bio
Laura Inserra is a sound alchemist —
multi-instrumentalist, music therapist,
teacher, composer, and producer.
After 30+ years of studies and practice of music and different wisdom lineages, she developed Resonant Healing: using sound as a tool for self-awareness, personal transformation, and wellbeing.
More info at www.laurainserra.com
Esalen Institute, May 1-3 2020
More info at www.esalen.org
"Laura Inserra is a rare example of power, mastery, and grace in the human form. Her work is unlike anything I have experienced before in my career or life. Through transformational sound and vibration she enables individuals and groups to transcend the rational mind and access deeper layers of knowing. She invites participants into an experience that unleashes creativity, emotion, connection, and possibility. Part musician, shaman, intuitive, and teacher, Laura will take you on a journey between worlds that you will never forget. Run swiftly towards this work if you are looking for deeper meaning and new answers to old questions. Laura is an extraordinary treasure that is a privilege to invite into your life or organization."
- Catherine Gray, The Trium Group
"The work on meditation, music, and transformation was excellent. The leaders resonated very well with the group. It was informative, rejuvenating, and one of the best yet. Esalen continues to grow and change. This hopefully can keep us current. I have been coming since about 1977 and need meditation and joy (the drumming and dancing was like the old days at Esalen.) This positive feedback is from both for my husband and I. We were definitely the oldest in the group and were honored for that."
- from Music, Meditation, and Transformation workshop in collaboration with Darin McFadyen. Esalen Institute, March 2019
More to Explore...

Learning how to create resonant fields from which deep transformation, inner guidance, and holistic healing arise.

A blend of sound healing, vibrational work, and ancient wisdom techniques to facilitate inner guidance and wellbeing.

Creating immersive sound experiences to
facilitate group connections and sacred gatherings.