MetaMusic Teachings
Learn to use sound and music as tools for personal development,
spiritual guidance, and holistic healing.
MetaMusic Teachings
Become A Sound Alchemist
Exploring, learning, and practicing how to create resonant fields from which deep transformation, inner guidance, and healing arise.
Music is a universal language and allows us to have meta-sensory experiences, especially when combined with guided meditations, active visualizations, body awareness, and felt emotions.
The word meta means beyond, transcendent, in between. What is music a metaphor of? What is in between the notes and way beyond the musical instruments that makes music a transformative and impactful tool? What is in music that makes us transcend reality or our feelings?
MetaMusic is the development of Laura Inserra’s work around the universal, transformative, evolutive, and healing power of music. In this context music becomes experiential, personalized medicine, and metaphor of life - a tool for personal development, spiritual guidance, and integrated healing.
MetaMusic teachings are tools for personal development, a compass to navigate life, and a healing method to support each other. During this course of studies and practices you will learn how to become a Sound Alchemist, while experiencing immersive sound journeys, sacred ceremonies, shamanic vision quests, and hands-on practices. You will also learn self-healing practices to use for yourself and in your work with others.
This comprehensive body of work is the compendium of her 30+ years of studies and initiations in ancient traditions and modern schools of wisdoms like like Alchemy, Vedic Traditions, Daoism, mythology, psychology, shamanism, folk music, alternative medicines, western science as well as the direct observation of nature.
She teaches this body of work in different stages: the Foundation Course, the Training and the Modules. Let's explore more...

MetaMusic Foundation Course
MetaMusic Foundation Course is a 3-Part program on the use of sound and music as tools for self-inquiry, inner guidance, deep transformation, self-empowerment, and holistic healing. During this first course you will learn the foundation, the tools, and the wisdom of her work.
The Foundation Course includes
9+ hours of Teachings
Experiential MetaMusic Journeys
Shamanic Drumming Quests
Self-Care Practices
New Moon & Full Moon Ceremony
Introduction to a variety of instruments like Shamanic Drums, Native American Flutes, Singing Bowls, Thumb Piano, Hang, Jaw Harp, Rattles, Water Instruments, Chimes, Chakapa Leaves, Ambient and Foley Sounds, Your Voice, and much more...
Assigned Explorations & Meditations
A PDF of all the resources offered in the course (books, instruments makers, videos and talks)
Access to MetaMusic Network: a by-invitation-only network of a global community interested in learning and providing tools to explore and expand the human potential.
The Foundation Course is recommended for
Amateurs with a vocation for this path
Sound & Music Practitioners
Psychotherapists & Psychiatrists
Counselors & Coaches
Body Workers & Physiotherapists
Midwives & Nurses
Plant Medicine Therapists
Energy Healers
By taking this course, you’ll get the access to the MetaMusic Network, a by-invitation-only global network of people exploring and expanding the human potential. MetaMusic Network allows us to interact as a community, foster fruitful conversations, facilitate connections, share growth, and evolve together. More info at metamusicnetwork.com
The Foundation Course is preparatory
The Foundation Course Program
MetaMusic Course is divided into 3 Parts. These Parts are just the loose borders of a single territory but essential stages to its understanding and embodiment. As such they need to be considered, integrated, and embraced as a Unity. Here below a simple description of their areas and functional properties.
Part 1 (Source) is about discovering the nature of sound; ways in which sound becomes music; what makes music such a powerful tool for deep transformation and healing; the power carried in the intention; the alchemy between the instruments and the practitioner; what is needed to create sound journeys and sacred ceremonies; and more...
Part 2 (Self) is about discovering how to ‘tune’ to Yourself; how to show up; how to connect to Your ‘inner environment’; learning self-care practices; empowering your ‘voice’ print’; which tools can be useful to facilitate presence, personal transformation, and wellbeing; and more...
Part 3 (Self-Other) is about exploring how to extend and express yourself through your instruments; how to connect and move toward the Other; how to navigate the fields of the ‘invisible’ while being anchored in Yourself; how to trust the ‘larger orchestration’; how to become a Unity with the flow of manifestation; and more...
Inside the areas of these 3 Parts we will shine light on the below topics from different corners and perspectives. The order and the amount of topics delivered depends on each single cohort formed around its own Course. I always leave room for the group flow of wisdom to influence the information here provided - I call this working and life approach Structured Improvisation.
PART 1 / Source
The Vibrational Nature of Existence
What is Sound?
Sound versus Music
Movement / Vibration / Frequency / Resonance
What is Healing?
What is a Ceremony?
Healing Practices & Ceremonies during the Digital Era
Physical versus Virtual: The Power of Presence
Who is a Healer?
The Transformative Power of Music
Music Medicine versus Plants Medicine
Entrainment versus Entertainment
Immersive Sound Experiences
Beginnings & Endings
The Emotional Curve
Which Instrument & When?
Deep Listening
Silence in Between the Notes
The Flow of the Invisible
The Musician, the Healer, the Shaman
Integration & Em-Body-Ment

PART 2 / Self
Expanding Your ‘Tool Kit’
Music as the Language of Emotions
Sound as an Expression & Extension of Yourself
Intent + Vision + Sound = Manifestation
The Role of Imagination in Rituals
The Altar & the Offerings
The Power of Chanting
The Art of Drumming
Human Antennas: Dormant State versus Resonant State
Psychic & Intuitive Power: Innate or Acquired Gifts?
The Keeper of the Fire: The Shaman
The Resonant Mirror: The Healer
The Voice of the Muse: The Musician
Transiting into Pulsation: Becoming Sound
Time Stretching / Space Expansion
Harmonizing the Body Resonance
Self-Healing: Inner Resonant Explorations
Energy Cleansing Practices
Different Shields of Protection
Receiving by Giving
Integrating Masculine & Femminine Energy
Basking into Being

PART 3 / Self-Other
Experiential Sound Journeys as a Practice
Connecting to the Source: Highest Self, Power Animals, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Ancestors
The Language of Visual & Sonic Information
Getting & Giving Permission: Allowing the Participant’s Body to Feel
How to Keep the Energy Flowing
Your-Self versus Self-Other
Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual Touch
Sound Permeates the Body: the Holistic Touch
Linear Healing versus Quantum Healing
Inter-Action between Observer & Observed
The Qualia: the Unique Subjective Conscious Experience
The Different Fields of Information
Trusting the Larger Orchestration
Yes & No versus Yes & Yes
Water Logic versus Rock Logic
The 5 Elements in Music
Making Your Own Tools, Sounds, and Instruments
The Sound of Your Voice: Your Sonic Print
The Human Potential: Transmitting / Transmuting / Transforming
Vibration & Pulsation: The Forces that Push the Universe in Its Course
© 2022 by Laura Inserra

MetaMusic Training
The expansion and integration of the Foundation Course.
4 Sessions on Thursdays Mar 3 - 24
10am PDT, via Zoom ~ Time Zone Converter
Online Interactive Sessions with Laura Inserra
RSVP at metamusictraining2022.eventbrite.com
MetaMusic Foundation Course Required
MetaMusic Training is a series of 4-week programs of in depth learning, analyzing, and practicing sessions for those you have already taken the Foundation Course or any previous Training cycle. Every Training has a unique program and is an iteration of the previous ones, bringing new topics, tools, and discoveries.
Every session will be recorded and shared with you, so that you can review and integrate the content at your pace.
As a continuation of the Foundation Course, the structure of the Training is based on the development of the 3 main pillars:
Learning (Source) - we will deepen the topics of the Foundation Course while learning new perspectives and dynamics.
Analyzing (Self) - we will watch and analyze together Sound Journeys and learn new tools through guided listening and felt recognition.
Practicing (Self-Other) - we will practice sound journeys, sacred ceremonies, guided meditations, shamanic journeys, self-care practices, and a variety of healing modalities.
In order to access different aspects of this body of work, we will engage with 3 archetypal characters - the Teacher, the Healer, and the Shaman. We will use the guidance of these pathways and modalities to create a holistic approach to personal transformation and collective healing, as well as strengthen our natural skills and acquired capabilities.
MetaMusic Training is offered online and open ONLY for those who have taken the Foundation Course. We will meet and interact face-to-face via Zoom. Each session will be recorded and shared with you, so that you can review and integrate the content at your pace.
Laura is giving a few scholarships to those who cannot afford the tuition. If you need support, please take a moment to fill out the Scholarship Form
If you did not take already the Foundation Course and are interested in the Training, you can enroll for the pre-recorded Foundation Course on Teachable. Here is the link metamusic.teachable.com/p/metamusic-course-2021

MetaMusic Modules
In depth teachings about specific topics, musical instruments, practices, and techniques used by Laura Inserra during her sound journeys and healing sessions.
MetaMusic Modules are standalone sessions of studies and practices about specific musical instruments, topics, and techniques developed to perform sound journeys, sacred ceremonies, and healing practices.
MetaMusic Modules
Module 1 ~ The 5 Elements in Music ~ VOD
Module 2 ~ Percussion Instruments & Mallets
Module 3 ~ Instruments Making
Module 4 ~ Shamanic Drumming ~ VOD
Module 5 ~ Chanting
Module 6 ~ Melodic and Harmonic Instruments
Module 7 ~ Wind Instruments
Module 8 ~ String Instruments
Module 9 ~ Guided Quests via Sound Journeys

A lot of you have asked me these questions so I thought I should share them with the rest of our community.
Q: Do I need to have a music instrument or to be a musician to take the MetaMusic Foundation Course?
A: No. You are an instrument and a sound alchemist already in your daily life. What is needed is your presence and the unique gifts you came into this life with. Just join us and, when you are ready, share that with the global community. Plus we will make instruments together... that's my favorite part of the Course ;o)
Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to learn via pre-recorded teachings at your own pace from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, a mobile device, or a telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, be sure to have headphones for each person during the experiential music journeys.
Q: Can you tell me about MetaMusic Network and the community around it?
A: MetaMusic means beyond music, or beyond what most often we have considered music to be. In this community, music becomes experiential, functional, a metaphor of life, and it carries inner guidance and deep transformative properties. For us Meta also means Multidisciplinary Education, Training, and Apprenticeship. The vision is to build a community with a common interest in ancient arts and schools of wisdoms like Alchemy, Vedic Traditions, Daoism, Mythology, Shamanism, Esotericism, Psychology, Science as well as the direct observation of Mother Nature. Our mission is to allow the human potential to flourish beyond any human condition or social restriction.
Q: Are there scholarships still available?
A: Yes, there is the possibility to apply for a scholarships. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. I am committed to allow the human potential to flourish beyond any monetary restriction. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please fill out the online form at https://www.laurainserra.com/scholarship
"If a Spiritual teacher, a Fairy SoundMother, and a Shaman had a baby it would be Laura Inserra. Working with Laura is entering an alternate dimension in which sound, the elements, and spirit are palpable at all times. Laura possesses the rare combination of technical knowledge and spiritually attuned intelligence; a gift which she delivers with enchanting ease. Should the path of sound awareness and healing call you, Laura is a teacher like no other, and a true sound alchemist." ~ Inbal Etgar
"I love Laura’s genuineness and warmth while sharing her experience. She draws from a deep reservoir of knowledge, wisdom, and spirit. Her willingness to experiment and ‘see what happens’ allows for letting go of the inner critic!" ~ Heidi Irgens
"This course set me on a learning curve working with sound, vibration and frequencies. It has broadened my understanding of sound in its many forms and ways of presentation and opened me up to really feeling sound in my body, mind, emotions and spirit. Laura's sound journeys were so different from anything I have previously experienced and in her space she gently allows me to experience sound in an all encompassing way.....very expansive. This course was fascinating on so many different levels and even now after completion of the course my body, mind, emotions and soul are still realigning in a new way. Stay tuned !! Who knows what will come next??!!" ~ Pat Owen
"The Meta Music Course has transformed me and guided me back to my inner child who is always listening and playing. Laura has given me the tools to open up the portals within myself to heal and to heal others. I feel so present & aware than I ever have in my life. Laura’s way of teaching is so natural & authentic. She is truly one of a kind. I am so grateful to have had an opportunity to dive deep into sound with her. Thank you Laura for guiding us back to our truest selves." ~ Nicole Vallejo
More to Explore...

A blend of sound healing, vibrational work, and ancient wisdom techniques to facilitate inner guidance and wellbeing.

Creating immersive sound experiences to
facilitate group connections and sacred gatherings.

Using music and technology for
immersive and transformative sound experiences.

Immersive experiences through sound journeys, playful creativity, body awareness, energetic practices and wisdom traditions.

MetaMusic Conversations
with Laura Inserra & Special Guests
Conversing about how to use sound & music
as tools for deep transformation and holistic healing.

Researching and integrating
ancient technology and schools of wisdom into modern life.