Visual Sonic Quest
Visual and Music Experiences
for Inner Voyagers
Walking in Beauty
A Visual Sonic Quest by Laura Inserra
In honor of the Upper World,
the Lower World, and the World Before Us.
Walking in Beauty was brought to fruition by Laura Inserra
during a 12-day immersive sound and video recording retreat
in Galisteo, New Mexico, during the Fall of 2021.
Everything you heard and saw was recorded at that time and on that land, including the rattle snake and the petroglyphs.
Music, filming, and editing by Laura Inserra
Soprano saxophone by Lorraine Weiss
Sound tubes made by Wolfgang Deinert
With deep gratitude to Ivy Ross, Arthur Drooker, Phillip Tuwaletstiwa, Judy Tuwaletstiwa, Nadine Kreisberger, MariJo Moore, Lorraine Weiss, Sue Von Baeyer, Soia, Edward Frenkel, and the infinite Beauty of Nature.
A Seeds of Gold Institute Production ~ All Rights Reserved
Sonic Quest ~ MetaMusic Journeys
"There are many things that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue those..."
Videos On Demand
Shelter In Music
A video series of guided sound experiences for self-explorations & wellbeing.
In these sound journeys I combine ancient, contemporary, and costume-made acoustic instruments with shamanic and wisdom traditions. I create a space where you can explore, release, discover, relax and evolve.
Become an inner voyager and journey into the pathways of your inner landscapes. Enjoy it..
Learning how to create resonant fields from
which deep transformation, inner guidance, and holistic healing arise.
MetaMusic is the development of Laura Inserra's work around the universal, transformative, and healing power of sound.
She teaches this body of work in 3 different stages: the Foundation Course, the Training, and the Master. During any of those stages the students can all gather around the Modules ~ different seasons dedicated to deepening specific topics and tools.

More to Explore...

Learning how to create resonant fields from which deep transformation, inner guidance, and holistic healing arise.

A blend of sound healing, vibrational work, and ancient wisdom techniques to facilitate inner guidance and wellbeing.

Creating immersive sound experiences to
facilitate group connections and sacred gatherings.

Using music and technology for
immersive and transformative sound experiences.

Immersive experiences through sound journeys, playful creativity, body awareness, energetic practices and wisdom traditions.